
A few weeks ago I was having lunch with two of my co-workers when the topic of religion, forgiveness and heaven came up. One asked the other, who is Roman Catholic, “Don’t you know if you’re going to heaven?” He responded, “I sure hope so!” He continued to talk for a minute explaining why and then asked, “Do you?” We responded in unison, “Absolutely!” The conversation continued for quite a while with a lot of teaching about what the Bible says and why we are so sure of our eternal destiny.

A few days later I gave him a copy of Andy Stanley’s “How Good is Good Enough?” He read it and returned it. He said, “I’m still not sure.” At least he is open to discussion and he seems to be seeking answers. All we can do is share. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal truth and give someone that certainty. Are you sure, or are you just hoping? If you earnestly seek Jesus, you will find Him!

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